How to make grape and lemon juice by belt Juicer
Time:2021-04-07 10:05 Browse:277
Belt juicer is a kind of fruit Juicer which can be pressed with greater intensity. It has a very high juice yield and can be used not only for fruit
juicing but also for vegetable juicing. It is easy to operate and easy to use, so many people are using belt juicer to extract juice, so the nutrition of
fruits and vegetables will not be lost too much. Then Jingjiang Weineng Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. will introduce a detailed method of
making grape lemon juice with belt juicer.
juicing but also for vegetable juicing. It is easy to operate and easy to use, so many people are using belt juicer to extract juice, so the nutrition of
fruits and vegetables will not be lost too much. Then Jingjiang Weineng Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. will introduce a detailed method of
making grape lemon juice with belt juicer.
Materials required: 150 grams of grapes; 1 lemon; appropriate amount of honey.
Methods of grape lemon juice: wash the grape; cut the lemon into four parts with the skin; press the grape and lemon into juice; pour into the cup
and mix with honey.
and mix with honey.
Fruit juice effect: make skin tender and smooth, complexion ruddy. Lemon is rich in vitamin C and citric acid, plus grapes.