What is the cost performance ratio of cherry beater and mult
Time:2021-04-07 12:11 Browse:277
Cherry beating machine multi purpose fruit and vegetable beating machine fruit Juicer vegetable juicing machine jam juice stainless steel fruit beating machine
First, the feed is cut into sections by a rotary table cutter at the feed inlet, and then the feed is cut into small sections by a high-speed rotary hammer cutter, so as to form pulp at one time. Multi purpose fruit and vegetable beating machine is an ideal machine for making jam, fruit juice and vegetable juice. It is suitable for beating a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. Can pulp fruit, such as: orange, grapes, kiwifruit, mulberry, bayberry, peach (to nuclear), etc., play fruit sauce, can also be green vegetables (cut), tomatoes, peppers, celery (cut), etc. into vegetable pulp juice, separate vegetable gluten, Jingjiang Weineng machinery is an important equipment for food processing enterprises.
It is mainly suitable for beating sugarbeet, rape and various root crops (sweet potato, potato, radish, carrot and pumpkin). The slurry stored for a long time and the loss of palatable nutrients was small