Screw Juicer can be used for tomato juicing

Time:2021-04-07 15:46  Browse:277

Tomato is also a tomato. It can be used not only as a vegetable but also as a fruit. When choosing a juicer, many people usually have such doubts. Is it better to use a fruit Juicer or a vegetable juicer? Our stainless steel fruit and vegetable juicer can solve this problem for you, because it can not only squeeze fruit juice, but also vegetable juice.
The fruit and vegetable juicer of Jingjiang Weineng machinery is made of all stainless steel. It is suitable for squeezing tomato, pineapple, apple, orange and various vegetables. This fruit and vegetable juicer improves the slag part, which is suitable for pressing leaf vegetables and other high fiber materials; it can automatically complete berry, kernel fruit and other fruit and vegetable juicing and slag removal processes. Therefore, tomato juice selection of our stainless steel fruit and vegetable juicer can be.