Comparison between tubular sterilizer and other types of ste
Time:2021-04-12 08:36 Browse:277
Compared with other kinds of sterilizers, the tubular sterilizer has the following advantages:
1. High thermal efficiency. After heating, 90% of the heat energy can be recovered.
2. The temperature difference between the heating medium and the material is small, which can complete the warm heating. The corrugated tube is used for the heat exchange tube. The material and the heat exchange medium work in the turbulent state, which has high heat exchange efficiency, less scaling, and increases the operation time of the wheel of the sterilizer.
3. With high degree of automation, the whole process from equipment cleaning, equipment pipeline sterilization to material sterilization can be automatically controlled and recorded. Reliable control of sterilization temperature: the system affecting sterilization temperature, steam pressure, flow and material flow are strictly controlled automatically. The inner wall of the material pipe is polished with advanced technology, the pipe welding is automatic welding, the pipe planning is completed and intact, the automatic cleaning is adopted, and the whole process of the equipment is automatically sterilized to ensure the sterility of the system.
Tubular cooler
4. System safety is strong, system accessories are functional and reliable products, system planning attaches great importance to personal safety, equipment safety, steam, hot water, materials and other pressure maintenance measures and alarm system. High reliability of the system, the primary components such as material pumps, hot water pumps, all kinds of valves, control system electrical components and implementation equipment. Tube pasteurizer and yogurt special sterilization can be planned according to the user's request.
5. Tubular sterilizer is the ideal equipment for liquid disposal. It uses tubular heat exchanger to heat products directly and intermittently. Its technical function is comparable to that of imported advanced equipment of the same kind. It is suitable for instantaneous high temperature sterilization and pasteurization of products, such as milk, tomato sauce, fruit juice, coffee drinks, ice cream, drinks, liquid medicine and other liquid materials. It can also be used for high viscosity sterilization It is a kind of liquid containing fiber and granule. Through the disposal of the equipment, the materials can achieve the purpose of sterilization and cooling, and adhere to the original nutritional components, color and flavor of dairy products and beverages. With aseptic canning equipment, the shelf life of the product can reach more than 1-12 months.