Characteristics of Pitaya classifier
Time:2021-04-07 13:54 Browse:277
Many people see that pitaya is often graded in the food industry. Because pitaya has many varieties, different sizes and slightly different shapes, it needs to be graded so that the selected pitaya can be sold more aesthetically,
It's also very good for making food. So what is the principle of the Pitaya classifier?
The Pitaya is poured into the hopper of the elevator and transported to the top of the roller. The proper hole diameter in the sequence from small to large falls into the material receiving tank and is discharged from the material opening, so as to realize the uniform separation of various sizes and specifications, and the grading hole diameter can be adjusted.
The equipment is composed of three parts: lifting part, roller and frame. The machine mainly adopts the clearance between double roller to achieve the purpose of classification. This is the stainless steel roller classifier of our company, and also the grading equipment recommended by Jingjiang Weineng machinery.